1. Paragraf 3,
Judul buku Akuntansi, Halaman 15.
Tujuan dan fungsi kredit
Pemberian kredit ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan dari
bunga kredit yang dibebankan kepada penerima kredit atau peminjam. Disamping
itu, pemberian kredit ini juga berfungsi untuk hal-hal sebagai berikut :
a. Meningkatkan
daya guna modal atau uang
b. Meningkatkan
daya guna peredaran barang
c. Meningkatkan
peredaran dan lalu lintas uang
d. Meningkatkan
pemerataan penadapatan
e. Sebagai
salah satu alat stabilitas ekonomi
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Paragraph 3 , Title of Accounting , Page 15.
Future tense
The pu rposes and functions of credit
This lending will aim to earn profits from credit interests that will be charged on credit acceptance or creditor. in addition, it also has functions for the following terms:
1. will increase the efficiency of capital and money
2. will increase the performance of the circulation of goods
3. will increase the circulation of money
4. will increase the distribution of income
5. will be a tool of the economic stability
This lending will aim to earn profits from credit interests that will be charged on credit acceptance or creditor. in addition, it also has functions for the following terms:
1. will increase the efficiency of capital and money
2. will increase the performance of the circulation of goods
3. will increase the circulation of money
4. will increase the distribution of income
5. will be a tool of the economic stability
The purposes and functions of creditThis lending can aim to earn profits from credit interests that can be charged on credit acceptance or creditor. in addition, it also has functions for the following terms:
1. can increase the efficiency of capital and money
2. can increase the performance of the circulation of goods
3. can increase the circulation of money
4. can increase the distribution of income
5. can be a tool of the economic stability
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